The Smartest 3 Ways To Achieve Your Market Share Objectives

The smartest 3 ways to achieve your market share objectives

In the business world, it’s all about taking the biggest slice of the pie chart. But the real world isn’t a colourful circle – so how do you convert what you’re doing into a large slice of the market share? As it turns out, it’s all about people…


First impressions count and an effective onboarding process is key to growing your business. By attracting the right people, you’re halfway there – the way to ensure the best onboarding experience is by providing seamless corporate training using clear and concise company profiling together with the latest online training technology.


There’s no denying market share will come down to selling more of your product or service – and that’s where having the best sales team in town is important. While many often think it’s the quality of the product that will speak for itself and ‘create’ the sale, the truth is sales teams work best with incentives. Keeping your teams motivated in new and exciting ways will maintain the hunger for sales going all year round.


Often considered an afterthought, the reality is ongoing training is an investment in your collective knowledge. And having a well-informed team speaking the same ‘language’ is a big part of building credibility and customer loyalty. By empowering your people with greater product and sales skills, you’re also creating happier, stronger team members. Win win!

What are the benefits of online training?

Online training is a must have tool which can be used to rapidly implement training for each layer of your team, from onboarding new employees – to training resellers and sales staff.

– It enables ongoing learning, development and protection of your company by ensuring everyone is across your messaging, products and services.

– It is proven to be one of the best ways to engage your resellers and their sales staff, there are three incredibly important words you should consider. ‘Knowledge is power’.

– Clear and consistent communication educates, creates confidence and loyalty all at the same time. Everybody knows no one sells more effectively than a confident and well trained sales professional.

Need help? Cocktail Marketing can help take your sales and product training, engagement and incentive program to the next level. From building an online training portal, to creating content for all courses.

How can you use online training to strengthen your reseller network?

When your company is a wholesaler, your reseller network is one of the most important parts of your business – but it’s only as strong as its weakest link. That’s why investing in online training is the best way to ensure your product is being presented to the world in the best light.

Let’s face it, as much as you’d like resellers to sell ONLY your product, it’s simply not the case. Many other brands are also jostling for their attention and being an expert in every single one is impossible. But the others aren’t your concern – you just need to ensure your reseller is an expert in yours.

From the history of your brand to where it’s positioned and the human stories that give your product context and relevance, this is the stuff that needs learning. As are the list of features and being able to expertly demonstrate each product and how they differ – along with the more emotive benefits which are often even more important for a customer. Then there’s navigating any pushbacks like competitor comparisons and pre-existing brand perceptions. There’s a lot to know.

The solution? Effective training – and smart systems to ensure the knowledge is sinking in. Sure, they may not know your brand inside and out like you do, but with expert training, online resources and tracking tools to monitor performance, you’ll be able to sleep well knowing your resellers have the knowledge to do your product justice.

Growing market share isn’t rocket science – it’s simply doing things better than your competitors. The smart play is to invest in your people, and at Cocktail we can help take your onboarding, incentives and training to the next level. Contact us today to get started.

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