Important Aspects To Consider When Rebranding

Does your brand creative separate you from your competitors?

The cold, hard truth is we live in a visual world, and people purchase with their eyes. This can leave your brand’s visual communication looking stale and practically invisible if you stand still on your branding creative for too long.

You know the saying, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”? Well news flash – EVERYONE judges books by their covers. If you’re reading this blog, it’s most likely time to reinvigorate your brand’s look and feel. The best way to do this is by upgrading your design and all associated imagery. From the end customers perspective, they will always choose an attractive brand with clear messaging over all else.

Developing strong creative is key to every successful branding campaign, as well as being able to visualise a full deck of branding materials with the new look and feel. It is also important to understand it takes a detailed roll out strategy to make sure the mechanics of the rebranding implementation is as smooth and effective as possible.

Premium brand imagery makes a world of difference to every creative project

The benefits of professionally produced photos and videos are seriously versatile marketing assets – ideal for corporate marketing material, presentations, social media, emails, websites and more.

You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of shooting and producing a variety of new and unique photography and videography assets specific to your brand and products. From external and internal drone footage to high end still imagery.

Making this kind of investment takes your brand to a whole new level, and shows the end customer your business understands the importance of creating a unique, premium and professional image.

It may be time to refresh your product packaging

Like it or not, packaging is one of the first things a potential customer will notice about your product. So, does your brand have the right look and is on trends?

The decision to refresh your brand’s product packaging is not to be entered into lightly. Much like updating a logo, there are a lot of factors and processes to consider. But ultimately, it’s about ensuring your product looks as good as it can, and will result in a sale.

Every time you see your product in store, you need to be asking yourself some simple questions. Does it stand out on the shelf as the dominant brand? Does it blend in with others or look too similar to the competition? Does it complement your brand POS material? And arguably the most important for the bottom line, is it attracting the type of customers you want it to?

Advances in technology and clever creative solutions have enabled brands to ‘change wardrobes’ and present themselves in a range of new and exciting ways – meaning there’s no longer an excuse for looking same old, same old. From colours, fonts, imagery, shape and size – it’s all possible.

Does your corporate video tell your story?

Everyone loves a good movie. But absolutely no one likes a bad corporate video. At best, they go on far too long, have poor production values, unprofessional PowerPoint 97-worthy transitions and confuse you with poor information. At worst, they’re all those same things – but twice as long.

So, is your corporate video doing what you want it to? Is it an accurate reflection of your brand? Does it make you stand out from the competition – in a good way? Or is it simply something which has run its course? (Hint – if it’s on VHS, then yes, it’s time for a new one!)

The purpose of a corporate video is to tell your brand story. It shouldn’t be your own personal story, nor should it be a robotic Wikipedia entry of facts and figures. It should capture the essence of who you are and what you do – in a ‘big picture’ way. It should make people want to buy tickets to your ‘movie’.

A professionally written and directed corporate video is also a versatile piece of marketing – easy to share on social media, via email or embedded onto your website. Done right, it will make you look like a leader in a compelling and appealing way, as well as being a valuable tool to help (instead of hinder) your sales team in selling your product.

Cocktail Marketing are professionals at making businesses look like a million bucks, for less than you’d think – we offer high end creative development of all brand assets from new logos, corporate profiles, to web design and content. So if your current branding is underwhelming you in the looks department, perhaps it’s time for a makeover. Contact our marketing team today to talk through your requirements and how we can help take your brand to the next level..

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