Basics of Digital Marketing - Cocktail Marketing Basics of Digital Marketing - Cocktail Marketing

Basics of Digital Marketing

Basics Of Digital Marketing

Basics of Digital Marketing: What You Need to Know

While many forms of marketing have evolved throughout history, digital marketing is the present and future of connecting with potential clients. When it comes to the world of marketing, the changes which have been implemented in the last decade have been far more progressive and influential which the changes that have occurred over the last 100 years. 

It wasn’t too long ago when an ad in the paper or a short television commercial was all you needed to gain the interest of potential clients. Nowadays, this is simply no longer the case, as marketing has become almost completely digitised. 

The digital world has completely changed the way we interact with consumers. If you are unable to keep up, you could very well be left behind. Succeeding in digital marketing doesn’t have to be complicated, though, and with the right online marketing tips, you’ll find yourself connecting with more people than ever.

Digital Marketing Basics

Digital marketing (aka online marketing) is the umbrella term which refers to marketing and engagement activities performed on online channels. Digital marketing is key as a result of our ever-growing reliance on smartphones and social media. Twenty years ago, we were trying to get online through our dial-up connection, hoping no one else would decide to pick up the phone.

Today, we have the world at our fingertips, and the internet is just a quick swipe and a click away. We are connected 24/7. Digital marketing will only continue to grow as a major influence when it comes to business. Through online media channels, the goal is to have your business discovered and explored. This will lead to acquiring and maintaining clients you may not have been able to reach before the surge of digital marketing. Understanding the importance of having the necessary digital marketing basics can make a world of difference for your business.

Digital Marketing Fundamentals

When it comes to understanding the fundamentals, it is crucial to realise how differently consumers now shop. The digital world has created a sense of urgency, and there is little room for error when it comes to reaching your potential consumer, thanks to smartphones and the easily accessible internet. 

This means understanding the importance of not only your website but also your social media presence. Website design is crucial, but it is even more important to understand how your website appears and performs on mobile browsers, whether or not you have your own mobile app. In response to this recent shift, Google has changed their algorithms to better match mobile browsing. 

This requires your website to be readable and easy to navigate. While a person may once have spent extensive time searching your site, odds are now that they will simply move onto another more approachable site. Your site also needs to be secure. In a time when hacking and leaking information is a risk, you want your consumer to click with confidence and feel secure on your page.

Other digital marketing strategies understand the power of search engine optimisation (SEO). When a query comes to mind, the vast majority of people begin their search for the answer on a trusted search engine, like Google or Bing.

The term used to refer to the process of search engines is “crawling.”  Essentially, crawling is when different programs break down your site, verifying whether it would be the best match to the keyword being searched, and then rank it among other sites with this term. Having your site at the top of this list can improve your SEO, putting it at the forefront of your target customer’s search to increase clicks and generate more leads.

When it comes to expanding your business, social media is another excellent digital marketing tool. Most individuals on the web utilise some form of social media, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tumblr, or any other popular site. Marketing videos are another fundamental requirement for digital outreach. These are short, targeted videos which can be linked on your website or social media platform(s). These videos can be introductions to your company, how-to videos, and other short clips which will draw the consumer in.

To get started, a competitive analysis can help you understand where your digital presence stands today and what you can do to grow your presence online. An approachable and accessible website, a strong social media presence, and an understanding of market metrics can make a world of difference for you and your business.

Expanding Your Digital Presence

The world of digital marketing may seem overwhelming at first, but with proper guidance, it is easy to navigate. Finding a full-service marketing agency in Sydney doesn’t have to be difficult, and it takes the stress of maintaining different digital platforms away. When you’re exploring marketing services, you’ll want to work with a company that understands the importance of balancing your physical and digital presence in the marketing world.

Looking for a successful brand marketing agency in Sydney? Look no further than Cocktail Marketing. Cocktail thrives in today’s complex digital market and is well-positioned to help you handle any industry changes the future may bring. The marketing world can be complicated, but like any good mixed drink, quality ingredients, time, and experience are what take the ordinary to the next level. 

The team at Cocktail Marketing can help you create a fresh new marketing strategy that includes all the elements necessary to make sure your customers choose your brand over your competitors — print and digital alike. If you are ready to branch out into the highly competitive yet deeply rewarding world of digital marketing, Contact Cocktail today! 

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